Tue Secher Jensen graduated from the University of Southern Denmark in 2002 and has been working as a researcher since his student years. After graduation, he worked as a chiropractic intern and as a chiropractor for a couple of years alongside his work as a research assistant. In 2009, he defended his PhD thesis on the prevalence, development and clinical value of Modic changes in the general population. From 2013 to 2016, he was employed as a senior researcher and clinical associate professor at the Spine Centre of Southern Denmark and since 2013 he has also been employed as a senior researcher at the Nordic Institute of Chiropractic and Clinical Biomechanics (NIKKB). Since 2017, Tue Secher Jensen has been employed at the Diagnostic Centre – Imaging Sector at the Regional Hospital in Silkeborg, Denmark, as a chiropractor doing research and reading spinal MRI. From 2018 to 2019 he was an associate professor at the Department of Clinical Medicine at Aarhus University. Tue Secher Jensen was recently (January 1st 2020) appointed, along with Lise Hestbaek (who has previously been on the podcast), as professors at the Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics at SDU.
Tue’s research has primarily focused on the clinical value of MRI findings in people with back pain. In recent years his research focus has shifted more towards clinical guidelines, knowledge translation and implementation.
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