How the DC is an Essential Member of Modern Multidisciplinary Care Teams

Posting Date:  Aug 26, 2019

Since healthcare began, doctors were in charge. Like Generals in the military, the doctors made the decisions and designed the care plan while the other clinicians and patients followed it. Over the course of the 20th Century, however, healthcare delivery became more specialized and complex than one doctor could manage on his or her own; hence, the introduction of multidisciplinary care teams. The doctor still served as the leader, but consulted with and relied on multiple other doctors, clinicians, as well as patients, to design an optimal care plan.

Today, a growing number of doctors of chiropractic (DCs) are being included in collaborative, multidisciplinary care teams to help curb opioid prescriptions, but also to help patients achieve greater sustained pain relief and mobility. As recent research has shown, the involvement of DCs is having a profound effect on outcomes, as well as patient satisfaction. This white paper details recent cost and outcomes research and insight into how DCs, medical doctors and healthcare organizations can integrate on care teams.

To download the white paper,click here.