Help! That Wasn't on The Boards

Posting Date:  Jun 06, 2022

The Business Side of Running a Practice

While you worked your way through the intense and demanding schedule and course load of chiropractic college, you may have prioritized your learning based on what was coming up next –classes, exams, and board tests. For most of us, the demands of school left little time to think about running a practice – how every decision is the practice owners, what forms and EHR to use, which insurance companies to contract with, what services to offer, etc. We did have business classes and documentation training in school, but did we learn all the ins and outs of what it takes to be ethical and compliant in today’s heavily regulated healthcare environment?

Chiropractic schools turn out some of the best doctors in the country, but because time is limited, chiropractic education focuses on anatomy, techniques, diagnosis, and treatment. The unfortunate but unavoidable consequence is that most chiropractors never learn about advanced documentation, Medicare, compliance, and the business side of running a practice, including coding and billing. New doctors often lacking a piece of knowledge necessary to run their practice and take care of their patients with minimal risk. Many times, they are unknowingly violating state and federal regulations.

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